Get a real estimate of the publishing royalties your song may be earning.

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About Your Estimate (The Fine Print)

This estimate represents the total royalty revenue your song has likely earned to date based on sales, streaming, and usage data. It covers the US & Canada only and does not include your song’s worldwide streaming revenue. This means you could be entitled to collect even more royalties than estimated here. Please note that estimates may include all-time earnings, including royalties previously collected at your home PRO/CMO or during past deals. These estimates are intended to give you a general idea of what your song(s) may have earned so you understand where you may have left money on the table.

Your estimate may include some retroactive royalties that have expired and/or are no longer available for collection. Learn more about these unallocated royalties here.

Find out more about Songtrust's global collection network, which covers 98% of the global music market (more than 145 countries).  Learn how Songtrust works to collect every penny you’ve earned, in all countries and territories where your songs are available.

Questions about your estimate or getting set up with Songtrust?
Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We analyze your streams in the US and Canada and determine what you might be owed based on our catalog's historical mechanical royalties averages. 

  • We help creators and businesses collect music publishing royalties from across the world. You can learn more about our global royalty collection services here. 

  • We strive to have the calculation emailed to you within one business day.

More questions? Contact us! We are happy to help you in your music publishing journey.