Get a real-time estimate of your publishing royalties from top streaming platforms

We Use Real-Time Data* From All Streaming Platforms


*in U.S. and Canada. Please note that estimates may include all-time earnings, including royalties already previously collected at your home PRO/CMO or during past deals. These estimates are intended to give you a general idea of what your song(s) may have earned so you understand where you may have left money on the table.

What Publishing Royalties Are You Earning?

Writer & Publisher Share

Your Estimate Includes All Publisher Share Royalties

With Songtrust you keep 100% ownership

Songtrust Isn't Out to Own Your Music

Songtrust monitors, registers, and collects publishing royalties on behalf of over 445,000 independent artists and 4M+ songs globally. If you're actively earning publishing royalties, we can help you collect what you’ve earned.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • We analyze your streams in the US and Canada and determine what you might be owed based on our catalog's historical mechanical royalties averages. 

  • We help creators and businesses collect music publishing royalties from across the world. You can learn more about our global royalty collection services here. 

  • We strive to have the calculation emailed to you within one business day.

More questions? Contact us! We are happy to help you in your music publishing journey.